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 Dear community, it’s been years I had this in mind. Sharing in a sacred container with other women, all my wisdom & experience about love.I’m starting this September a high value & intimate woman mastermind, for the women who want to attract in their lives the committed and healthy relationship they have been dreaming of. 

I want us to be maximum 7 in order to keep the container intimate, supportive and vulnerable. Growth happens when we can fully be ourselves, share, fully express and fully be. 

If you are struggling to “attract” a true and healthy match for you. If you have a hard time deciphering what’s “acceptable” in a relationship, and what isn’t. If you need more practise and tools to master the art of “red flags”. If you want to release old hurts and shift relationship patterns. If you want to work on your attachment type. And more. 

If you want true inner work, which will be highly reflected in your external world. If you are ready for “the big love”. This is for you. 

Find all the info HERE . If ready, join via the link !

Why You? 
– You have been in several relationships, short or long. They haven’t “worked out”. Yet you still don’t fully see what this isn’t working for you. 
– You have gone on many dates but it never moves past the early stages – if you like him, he may go away or change “energy”, even disappear 
– The “good”, healthy, stable men seem “boring” to you or not interesting enough. They lack chemistry. You are constantly drawn to the “bad boys” only, yet a kind of them who can’t commit 
– You want true, committed, healthy love — a sacred container that’s aligned emotionally, physically, intellectually, on life projects… all of it! You are ready to do the work that the relationship will cause & to use love as an opportunity to work on yourself  
– You tend to never find the right “sacred masculine” polarity, but to over do your own masculine in relationships. You tend to embody the masculine with men, pursuing too hard, trying too hard, working too hard on it 
– You seem to miss red flags at early stages 
– It is hard for you to communicate your boundaries and needs to men. You are scared of losing them or “being too much” 
– You keep attracting men that are not a true and long-lasting match to you​
– You are tired of overthinking, if maybe you did something wrong – of thinking that you are always the one to blame
​- You may rush things, without truly taking your time, and perhaps going too fast into emotional vulnerabilty or sexual intimacy too soon, and later on, your regret not listening to your inner voice
​- You feel you have been attracting “unavailable” men a lot, different forms of unavailability, or that you are always outting in all the effort​

– You are now ready for a RESET, a big SHIFT. 

Find all info HERE !  

I’m so thrilled to share this significant journey with you. Find the content of the program in the link + what you may gretaly attain thanks to it!! 
So much Love, 
In gratitude