On Tuesday January 25th, our golden retriever 13 years old friend Ducat, left this Eathly plane and crossed the Rainbow Bridge after several months of fight against a cancer disease.

I have been deeply saddened by his passing, which we were expecting in some way but conversely were not ready for. I have been also deeply humbled by the light and joyful spirit Ducat has kept alive in his eyes and behaviour until the very end of his life. His fight against disease has been led with real courage, bravery, and grace.

We did our best to give him the service we thought was the best for his funeral. We wanted this to bring as much attention, respect, rituals and I’d say spirit that we would have done for a human.

As a consequence, I have felt a calling to create something that will support families moving through the loss of an animal companion. This structure is now called Rainbow Pets.

Rainbow Pets will provide services free of charge to people and families moving through the loss of an animal companion. Services will include emotional healing of family members, financial support to help fund cremation, burial, and other expenses, as well as some framework and support for ceremonies and rituals. Special funding and ordering of funerary items (funerary urns, gravestones) will be possible through Rainbow Pets. The foundation will also help you find the funerary service that suits you for your beloved animal.

You can connect with Rainbow Pets by responding to this message, or by directly contacting Sophie here: sophie.rainbowpets@gmail.com. 

Please share about the foundation with friends, family, community, and anyone that may be interested in such support. I will be able to provide emotional support both locally in France and worldwide through Zoom, and financial/material support of course worldwide too. It is starting now, so please reach out.

Thank you!

I have also written an article in memory to our beloved Ducat. All profits, if any, made through the Elephant Journal ecosystem of “best articles”, will be given to Rainbow Pets. As a consequence, you can give it a read as a support to Rainbow Pets. Here is the article.

You can also donate via this link.

And most importantly, please share around you. Reach out. Let’s be together in this.

Much love,
