Join an online community of like-minded souls

Catalyze your own journey by finding a energetic space that vibrates with you

Learn more & heal deeper through sharing the real you

Hi friends,

I will be starting on September 1st Wednesday an online community :

Sacred Travellers Connect.

I have in fact felt deeply and noticed we as light bearers & creators of the *new* need spaces where we can share ourselves freely and support each other.

As we evolve and grow, we “lose” connections. Some used to feel aligned but aren’t any longer. Some used to get it, to be on a similar path – but things have changed and we now find ourselves on a different wavelength.

The awakening journey creates new desires within us when it comes to connection. We crave real conversations, real stories – that we actually feel or went through – not “small talk”.

We want to be seen for who we are – not only have a “social life”.

We crave for more. We crave for deeper.

We are stronger when surrounded with souls that “get it”.

We are stronger to build a new world & follow our spirit when relating with others that are walking the same sacred journey.

We are always stronger when feeling seen & supported for who we are, and who we are becoming.

“Members of your tribe are fellow travelers. The tribe exists to further every member’s journey and well-being.” – Scott Perry

This space will be a space of connection & support – which is highly needed as we navigate our journeys and seek souls of a similar spirit and vibration.

We may feel that we are alone at times through our individual journeys and own initiations – but so many of us actually go through similar experiences and energies even if the exact circumstances may vary.

The key words are : authenticity, support, connection, love and evolution – on individual and collective level!

We will connect every two weeks (calls of 1.30h) :

  • I will share brief energetic updates & advice linked to it
  • I will share some light teachings about a specific topic (healing our relationships, mastering grounding, using writing as a therapeutic tool, developing our intuitive gifts…)
  • BUT most importantly this will be a space for connection, mutual support & healing through the very powerful energy of being with like-minded souls.

Calls will take place every two weeks. on Wednesdays 6pm CET // 12am EST // 9am PST — BUT times may be adjusted based on participants time zones.

And also have a Private Group to express ourselves in in-between calls.

I can’t wait to start this with you all. Some have already joined — and I think this is only a start!

To read more go Here.

Fee: 33€ monthly membership.
Minimal enrolment: 3 months.

This space is for you if :

You want to connect with like-minded souls in a regular fashion from a space of authenticity

Your world has evolved and you are seeking connection based on how you have become

You want to empower a group & feel empowered by it

You seek a tribe, community spirit that may not be directly accessible around you

You know healing & transformation are sped up by energetically aligning and belonging to spaces of the *right* vibration

You seek sisterhood/brotherhood, and belonging to a community

If you hear the calling & feel ready to join, go to that link or respond directly to this message. You will be directly added to the private group.

Much love

