The divine relationship starts with sparks of soul, cosmic recognition. Something draws your attention, seems to call you up. It has this feeling of both highly intuitive, almost mystical – and so familiar, so much like Home.

The sparks of love and a kind of mysterious attraction develops in a deeper recognition. Souls share the same dreams and ways and, much more feels like “known”. Most likely yes: they Knew each other Before.

The tale continues, both facing their own woundings, desires, needs and inner desesperations.

Sometimes, the cosmic tale even stops. This is when the wounding was bigger than the Truth, when the inner blockages started to control one’s behaviour more than the Heart could.

He can be scared of her power. He can see in her radiance, of the Pallas Warrior Queen — those things that he hasn’t done himself or been up to.

He can lose his ground in front of her waves. He may be too much impressed by her flowing waters, by her emotions, by the intuitive, Oracle way that she sees life.

He may have never seen before a Woman of softeness & fire — a Divine mother at the same time Truth-Sayer, Weak-Defender.

She may become disoriented in front of his unwavering, strong, anchored stillness. In front of his ability to decide, lead without going back, select choices fast and steady in times of adversity.

She may be lost when discovering his Truth. She may take time to get that, under so much Hero’s images of God that he looks like — there is a pure, full of hopes and dreams, sometimes hurt, sometimes stressed out by the burden and pressure of what it is to be a Man, Heart.

But in time, sooner or later. They get to see clearly in each other.

He understands that she never had any other way, in the past, but being fierce, real, raw, fully honest and self-protective — the Queen of Swords — if she wanted to intimate respect, especially from masculine principles.

She sees that he could never be fully himself, before, that they never truly respected his own softness, sensitivity, needs and heart. They expected him to be a movie King figure. They expected him to be the doer who completes with calmness and grace all of the tasks. They couldn’t see that he was tired, exhausted — in search for a home, in search for a shelter, in search for a woman who would love Him for good and for All — not only his Diamond sides.

In finding each other, and actually working together through the different phases and steps of what it means to be fully seen, accepted, recognized and loved — both are being reborn, majorely and irremediably altered in a positive way — like Diamonds unearthed and revealed to the Light.



Twin Souls share a very similar essence, energy & higher calling — even if it may show up in different forms in the physical reality or the current choices that both are making.

Twin Flame Soul Reports study both natal charts & their interferences, intersections and soul similarities to answer the following:

What are the marks of a past life, and soul deep connection between both in the charts?What are the key traits of your shared Twin Flame energy that we can learn from your charts?What is the calling & destiny of your unique couple soul’s blueprint? Which type of lineage & soul group are you likely to be originated from?

Sun, Moon, Venus & Mars placements, as well as the Lunar Nodes, Lilith, Asteroids & Sacred Geometry Composite symbolisms will be primarily studied.

Contact me via Message here to arrange your Twin Soul Astro Report. Two formats available: 1h20 Zoom video call or 1h recording directly sent to your inbox.